HL Series - Love! Devote your life to loving others! - Vol 4

Torako Yui

Buch: 224 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06367
Gewicht: 245g
ISBN: 978-4-86347-008-8 9784863470088

HL Series - Love! Devote your life to loving others! - Vol 4

Torako Yui

€ 24,50
€ 17,50
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Buch: 224 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2009
Best.-Nr.: 06367
Gewicht: 245g
ISBN: 978-4-86347-008-8 9784863470088

Prologue from Author:

I reckon, many of you who are reading this book may be disheartened because you are not loved in spite of always wanting to be loved. Honestly speaking, I wasn't loved very much myself either. Therefore because I wasn't loved, I have constantly been thirsting for love, become agonized and disheartened. In those days, I had assumed that happiness was all about being loved by other people.
However now, having encountered homoeopathy and with all of you, I truly feel that I am very much loved. I am grateful for that because the more I felt loved by you, the more I became able to love you in return. Through this I became aware that true happiness is for me to be able to love other people. The people who taught me this are actually my clients. It is an enormous joy for me to witness, that through homoeopathy, the natural healing power of my clients are brought forth, and then they gradually start displaying what they originally are, whilst also beginning to love themselves and others. By seeing the transformation of my clients, I became awakened and learned.
It is for this reason that I also want you to become able to love others. I fully understand your desire for wanting to be loved, however being loved by others is actually the same thing as to love others. After all, to love others is the same thing as to love your own self.

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Prologue from Author:

I reckon, many of you who are reading this book may be disheartened because you are not loved in spite of always wanting to be loved. Honestly speaking, I wasn't loved very much myself either. Therefore because I wasn't loved, I have constantly been thirsting for love, become agonized and disheartened. In those days, I had assumed that happiness was all about being loved by other people.
However now, having encountered homoeopathy and with all of you, I truly feel that I am very much loved. I am grateful for that because the more I felt loved by you, the more I became able to love you in return. Through this I became aware that true happiness is for me to be able to love other people. The people who taught me this are actually my clients. It is an enormous joy for me to witness, that through homoeopathy, the natural healing power of my clients are brought forth, and then they gradually start displaying what they originally are, whilst also beginning to love themselves and others. By seeing the transformation of my clients, I became awakened and learned.
It is for this reason that I also want you to become able to love others. I fully understand your desire for wanting to be loved, however being loved by others is actually the same thing as to love others. After all, to love others is the same thing as to love your own self.

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