Bye Bye Covid - Imperfect Copy

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

Bye Bye Covid - Imperfect Copy, Andreas Ludwig Kalcker
Buch: 220 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 30355
Gewicht: 350g
Imperfect copy: Book is slightly dented.
Reduced from € 14,95 to only € 12.-

Bye Bye Covid - Imperfect Copy

Andreas Ludwig Kalcker

The solution to coronavirus that they don't want you to know about...
A pioneering path out of the plandemic, proven by courageous doctors and friends of the truth, by Andreas Kalcker.
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€ 12,00
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Buch: 220 Seiten, kart.
erschienen: 2021
Best.-Nr.: 30355
Gewicht: 350g
Imperfect copy: Book is slightly dented.
Reduced from € 14,95 to only € 12.-

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€ 12,00
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  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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vor 2 Monaten
Great book well written & researched
Outstanding well written. Would recommend. weiterlesen ...
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vor 4 Monaten
no covid
great book have another one of his, forbidden health. weiterlesen ...
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vor 1 Jahr
WOW! Must read!
Ofcourse ''they'' want to keep us ignorant and in fear, great control mechanism and it seems it works...what will it be next!? There is big money to be made so the big pharma is on the gravy boat; if one personally does not take responsibility for one's own well being do not expect anyone else to do so as ''they'' will keep you ''unwell'' and dependant on pharmaceutical poisons so they can make money! weiterlesen ...
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De Yonne
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vor 1 Jahr
A book of great wisdom!
I always know that I can "TRUST" ANDREAS KALCKER and his wisdom! weiterlesen ...
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John Winstead
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vor 2 Jahren
The Solution to the Plandemics
Great information to have in my library of proven successful solutions to covid and other pathogens. The powers that be don't want us to have this information. The more open minded people know about this, the less suffering there will be. I've researched mms and cds for several years and and thanks to Jim Humble and Andreas Kalcker we have an answer to this plandemic and the next ones coming. I make it up myself and share it with friends that are open minded enough to even look at it and they all get results. the ones that are brainwashed and close minded suffer. Their choice. weiterlesen ...
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JR Junior
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vor 2 Jahren
Bye Bye Covid
This is an excellent well written book that everyone should read. I worked in a hospital since the beginning of Covid. I can tell you the testimonies are true from what the doctors described because I went through the same narrative. If you really would like to know the truth about the current political & medical atmosphere, I strongly urge you to read the book. It will open Your Eyes what can be accomplished with the truth. weiterlesen ...
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Merlin Friel
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vor 2 Jahren
A book everyone should read weiterlesen ...
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Veronica Maseth
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vor 2 Jahren
Book of truth!!!!
I am soooooooo glad that I got this book!!!!!!!
Very pertinent to our times and so so informative!!!!
Eye opening!!!!
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 2 Jahren
Great information
Informative. Full of supported information, easy to read section by section.
Worth having. I also ordered my other products from this helpful site.
Easy to order speedy well packaged delivery.
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Verifizierter Kauf
vor 2 Jahren
Kalcker's Book: Bye Bye Covid
This book, Bye Bye Covid, finally demonstrates a positive and long-awaited paradigm shift in medicine and, in particular, a rapid way out of the Covid panic pandemic. weiterlesen ...
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