Cancer - My Homeopathic Method

A.U. Ramakrishnan

Buch: 208 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2015
Best.-Nr.: 21905
Gewicht: 510g

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Cancer - My Homeopathic Method

A.U. Ramakrishnan

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€ 48,00
€ 9,80
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Buch: 208 Seiten, geb.
erschienen: 2015
Best.-Nr.: 21905
Gewicht: 510g

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At last, a method for confidence building in treating and managing cancer cases.

Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan, author of “A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer” is one of the most well-known specialists in the treatment of cancer worldwide. Over the last thirty years, he has treated more than 15,000 cancer patients and has developed a highly specific homeopathic method for treating different kinds of tumors including his famous plussing method.

During his long-time practice, Dr. Ramakrishnan has made adjustments to his prescribing when necessary. In this volume, he shares the refinements to his protocol. For example, a previously,  arely used remedy shows efficacy in repeated cases or perhaps a one time change is made for a particular patient’s individual circumstance, then found to work for others.

It is a systematic and simple to follow practical guide describing the homeopathic treatment of over 25 types of cancers. It also includes over 100 case examples along with strategies for handling the many stages this disease can take, including terminal situations. The book also contains updates of cases previously published.

The hope is for homeopathic doctors and practitioners to become comfortable treating cases with serious pathology. Patients too should become familiar with options for their own care that can be used exclusively or alongside their conventional treatments. Many of the most frequently asked questions are answered here to help patients and practitioners make the best decisions in each situation.

Dr Ramakrishnan’s method has proven effective in many cases and this new volume will surely help in deepening the knowledge of this promising approach.

€ 48,00
€ 9,80
79,6% günstiger
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At last, a method for confidence building in treating and managing cancer cases.

Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan, author of “A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer” is one of the most well-known specialists in the treatment of cancer worldwide. Over the last thirty years, he has treated more than 15,000 cancer patients and has developed a highly specific homeopathic method for treating different kinds of tumors including his famous plussing method.

During his long-time practice, Dr. Ramakrishnan has made adjustments to his prescribing when necessary. In this volume, he shares the refinements to his protocol. For example, a previously,  arely used remedy shows efficacy in repeated cases or perhaps a one time change is made for a particular patient’s individual circumstance, then found to work for others.

It is a systematic and simple to follow practical guide describing the homeopathic treatment of over 25 types of cancers. It also includes over 100 case examples along with strategies for handling the many stages this disease can take, including terminal situations. The book also contains updates of cases previously published.

The hope is for homeopathic doctors and practitioners to become comfortable treating cases with serious pathology. Patients too should become familiar with options for their own care that can be used exclusively or alongside their conventional treatments. Many of the most frequently asked questions are answered here to help patients and practitioners make the best decisions in each situation.

Dr Ramakrishnan’s method has proven effective in many cases and this new volume will surely help in deepening the knowledge of this promising approach.

€ 48,00
€ 9,80
79,6% günstiger
inkl. MwSt.
  • nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Wird oft zusammen gekauft
Cancer - My Homeopathic Method, A.U. Ramakrishnan+Burnout natürlich heilen, Rosina Sonnenschmidt / Harald Knauss =
Gesamtpreis € 16,60
inkl. MwSt.
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nur noch wenige auf Lager, versandfertig innerhalb 1-2 Werktage
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Dieses Produkt: Cancer - My Homeopathic Method von A.U. Ramakrishnan ‐ € 9,80
Burnout natürlich heilen von Rosina Sonnenschmidt / Harald Knauss ‐ € 6,80

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